• Fifi is a mini poodle, 14 and a half years old. Her parents adopted her 4 years ago from a lady who was going into aged care at the time. It is hard to look after Fifi after going into aged care, so Fifi’s new parents have taken her on despite her health issues. She has severe heart failure and is on ongoing heart medications. Her parents are managing her condition well and she is a happy girl! Dr Jason with Fifi and her parents Dr Jason with Fifi and her parents
  • Xiu is a domestic short hair black cat who had suspected FIP as she was not well and her blood values were in decline in May 2022. At that point, the owner decided to try everything possible to be able to save Xiu, understanding that FIP is a potentially fatal condition in cats. She went on intravenous fluids and hospitalization with medicines initially to try to stabilize her condition. The vets and nurses took intensive care of her in hospital with medicines, syringe feeding of food etc for a week before she was discharged to be taken care of at home. During this time, she was still on medications to help her condition as well. Her owners were very exceptional in taking care of her at home, followed with consistent vet visits at Happy Tails. She slowly started to gain weight as she felt better and regain back her activity. We are glad her parents never gave up and kept going with her treatment. We all love Xiu, and we wish her all the best with her lovely parents! Photo memory for Xiu’s owner from the Happy Tails team! Dr Jason, nurse Felicia, Xiu with Xiu’s parents. Dr Jason with a cake from Xiu’s parents. Xiu and her lovely mum Xiu and her parents at Happy Tails Animal Hospital
  • With the new announcements in Melbourne, we hope everyone is doing okay and staying safe! Remember to take care of yourselves during this time and take comfort in your pet’s unconditional love for you! We will still be open as we are classified as an essential service, however, the number of people allowed in our clinic will be limited. So please give us a call if you are needing to come in! ? Ft: @m0m0_nash1
  • Ofy

    Ofy is recently adopted by his new parents! How lucky! He is going well and getting used to his new furrever home ? now and also sister ? Stay happy and healthy always! ❤️
  • Corgi friends! Lagrange came in today and realised his friends were also on our wall of fame! ❤️
  • Happy Monday! Looking forward to a fruitful week with Peach as our receptionist! Call us to book in or online via our website. We are currently still limiting one parent per pet in the clinic! Thank you all for understanding ❤️